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Managing waste is one of the most important things a person can do in regards to environmental protection and safety.  With waste generation rates increasing all over the globe, it comes down to the individual to remain conscientious and think about how their life-style and habits affect the environment. 


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, Dispose: the Waste Management Hierarchy.


As understood by Governor Cuomo, there will always be a need for land disposal capacity.  Individuals are responsible for practicing good waste management techniques so the amount being landfilled is as small as is practicable.  For example, only 25% of the plastic produced in the United States is recycled.  If people recycled the other 75%, 44 million cubic yards of landfill airspace could be saved each year.



No solid waste management facility can materially address the first priority of the hierarchy of solid waste management; however, the Carroll C&D Waste Management Facility provides services that satisfy the second, third and fourth priorities of the New York Solid Waste Management Plan.  As described in the application, operations at the proposed facility include screening of the incoming waste, where readily salvageable materials will be removed for reuse.  Amenable wastes will be recycled/repurposed or recovered.  For example, clean wood waste will be processed into clean wood grids which can be used for boiler fuel.  See the Recycling Facility page for more information.  The landfill will accept wastes that cannot be economically processed and will be available as a necessary element to dispose of residue from the processing operation.


According to the County's approved Local Solid Waste Management Plan, the county has "made a commitment to encourage private sector participation in its solid waste management program.  Consistent with this is the encouragement of the maximum degree of competition in the private sector in order to assure the best service and most cost-effective solutions to solid waste management problems."





Electronic waste, or e-waste, is the informal name for any discarded electronic device, as well as any appliance such as refrigerators, washing machines, etc.  These devices and appliances can not be disposed of in landfills and require recycling or reuse.


On April 1st, 2011 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation instated Environmental Conservation Law Article 27 Title 26: a disposal ban on all electronic waste.  


                “…no manufacturer, retailer, or owner or operator of an electronic waste collection site, electronic waste consolidation facility or electronic waste recycling facility in the state shall dispose of electronic waste at a solid waste management facility or hazardous waste management facility, or place electronic waste for collection which is intended for disposal at a solid waste management facility or hazardous waste management facility.”


The Department expanded the disposal ban in 2012 and 2015 to ban curbside collection, and to require solid waste management facilities to educate facility users on the proper methods for disposing and managing electronic waste.


Education should include:

  • “providing written information to users of such facility on the proper methods for recycling electronic waste"; and,

  • "Posting, in conspicuous locations at such facility, signs stating that electronic waste may not be disposed of at the facility."


NYS Electronic Waste Facilities


Chautauqua County (except the Ellery Transfer Station) accepts electronics and small appliances free of charge for recycling, exceptions apply to televisions and computer monitors where a fee is charged.


For more information, see the full Environmental Conservation Law Article 27 Title 26


Acceptable drop off facilities in Chautauqua County include, but are not limited to the North, South, and West County Transfer Stations in Fredonia, Falconer, and Sherman, respectively. These County run transfer Stations accept electronics and small appliances free of charge for recycling, exceptions apply to televisions and computer monitors where a fee is charged.


For a full list of electronic waste collections sites in New York States, see:




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